Thursday, July 30, 2009

Student Work Display Idea - Ziplock Quilt

Taken from my mother's elementary classroom, this idea could work for students of all ages. Ever struggle to find a way to display student work effectively without taping papers all over the wall, or stapling through artwork to post on a bulletin board? Try a Ziplock quilt. Use Gallon sized plastic Ziplock baggies, one per student. Punch holes in the baggie corners and tie together with ribbon or string, giving the baggies a quilt-like look. Write each student's name on the baggie (or identify by number). Place student papers, poems, artwork, etc. in the baggies to display. Continue to place new student work on top of the old, and then untie the bags and give to each student to take home at the end of units, weeks, or the year. Not only do you create a visually appealing display of student work, but you also end up with a portfolio to send home with students. 

Additional tips: To balance your quilt, consider adding extra baggies for the teacher, new students who might join the class late, a narrative explaining the work being displayed, or for adding the class name. 

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